Rough Rooster


13 Years
Jan 28, 2009
Cecil Co. MD - 5Yrs. Chickens 4Yrs. Ducks
I know he's just a young fella and trying to show the ladies who's boss, and trying to learn his thing but...

here's my latest idea.

I've noticed that my hens that have started laying will squat when i reach for them, obviously submitting to me "rooster" so I wondered if I give my younger hens a couple more weeks away from the rooster - to reach laying that maybe they too will make it easier for my young roo to learn the ropes by doing the same squat and less resisting.

I am just a big mommy who hates to see her little hens getting such rough treatment... and if they naturally do this squatting thing with egg laying age maybe it will help (Me) hahah.
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IMHO don't isolate them. They will become alienated. I would say just leave them all together. They will be fine.
Agree. It's tough sometimes to watch avian interaction. It seems cruel and heartless, but it is the way it is. not to interupt the natural course of things....
instinct in animals is something we humans probally shouldnt mess with !!
I do not think is big problem if you isolate him.Many breeders isolate roosters so they grow bigger and hens mature in peace.In pen is not ease for them to escape.If you free range is diferent
I need some advice....I have 6 chickens - 2 roosters and 4 hens. One of my roosters is large, quiet, docile. The other rooster is obviously the 'boss'. The 'boss' has my large, quiet, docile rooster cowering in the corner of the hen house sometimes, and he also grabs the rest of the chickens by the neck and causes them to squawk and flap around. Yesterday, I got so upset seeing my large, quiet, docile rooster cowering behind the water dispenser that I took the 'boss' into a fenced flower garden area and left him alone there (with plenty of water). I told him he was going to have to eat grass and bugs all day - alone. And he did. When I got home from work, I put him back in with the other chickens and he was polite for around 30 minutes, then started his 'boss' behavior. My worry is that he will kill my docile rooster or one of the hens. Should I just leave them all alone and let nature take its course or separate the 'boss' from the rest of the chickens? Also, what effects will this have on setting hens and little chicks? Is it okay to leave the roosters in with the hens if they lay/hatch?
In the scenario I am dealing with, I would separate the docile roo and make him your best buddy pet. My roos seem quite content to be separated from the girls so far. The roos have the larger area of the yard - and I think its best that they have more roaming room (to feel like they are doing their protecting job) and the hens have the smaller section (next to the coop where they like to hang out anyway and its their safe spot - the rooster likes them to be there too - its where he chases them to.) Both roos can view the hens run, and will visit them and keep an eye out for them. The roos are very pleasant to be around now that neither one of them is chasing the girls. I don't have enough hens for even one roo so far so having separate space for the roosters seemed like my only option anyway. I wasn't even planning on keeping the roos, but fell in love with them. last nite my buff orp roo followed the cats in the doggy door and I put him up on the cat table for treats. Then I brought him in the computer room and he sat on my lap like he did when he was just a chick.

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