round up and birth defects, tell me something I didn't already know

ooops that's actually the same article raz posted so not related, exact
my bad.
Homesteadmomma, do they plant different crops on different years? They cannot plant the same crop over and over or the soil will not do well, am I correct? Roundup soybeans are the only one I know about so far, not that it matters, between corn and soybeans, I'm surprised our food has any other ingredients!

Looks like the chooks aren't the only ones stuck with corn


Tell me about it. If only you had seen that movie. They touched on the E-Coli problems stemming from feeding cows mainly corn. The documentary said that if they would just put the cows in a grass field for 5 days before slaughter, 80% of the E-Coli bacteria strain would have left their bodies. Instead, they take the meat and douse it with ammonia and "clean" the bacteria out of the meat, and it goes off to be used for filler meat (most likely McDs). I've gone crazy trying to find out how many people I have to split a cow with to be able to afford to buy one from one of my neighbors here. I can SEE their cows eating grass, lol!
Many reports coming from Scientists all over the world. Not as many as most of us would like because it has to be privately funded (not Monsanto and its gang) and they have to have access to the product, some are copy-righted against outside testing. Sorry I lost the link to that info when my computer crashed.
It was posted on this forum before about Monsanto and the USDA revolving door of employees. The Millions against Monsanto are beginning to think it is the USDA that should be taken to court, not Monsanto.
The USDA keep passing everything, frustrating.

Next comes Round-up Ready Alfalfa and Golden rice with human DNA inserted into it (for a higher protein rice).

Below is a report on Glyphosate-based herbicide and endocrine disrupter's in cell lines
Homesteadmomma, do they plant different crops on different years? They cannot plant the same crop over and over or the soil will not do well, am I correct? Roundup soybeans are the only one I know about so far, not that it matters, between corn and soybeans, I'm surprised our food has any other ingredients!

Yep, crops get rotated every year, UNLESS the weather is very wet, then sometimes they will plant beans two years in a row. Unfortunately, if they plant corn, they just spray earlier in the year before planting. We have been talking to the landowner about buying the property, or at least the part that is just west of the house and main back yard (about 10 acres) so the wind wouldn't blow the nasty stuff all in our yard. Not to mention every year, the field gets closer and closer to our property line. Wish the evergreens would grow a little faster....
Let's see... product created by Monsanto causes health problems. How shocking. It's also completely shocking that Monsanto could legitimately be described as a government-sponsored enterprise at this point.
There a over a million reasons not to use RoundUp or any of Monsato's or other GM crops. It IS that bad for you, no ifs ands or buts. Tons of studies have been done pushed under the table. There is a huge cover up and control going on especially in the US. A terrific comprehensive book to read is called "GENETIC ROULETTE" by Jeffrey M. Smith. It is one of the very best books written on it with tons of studies and it will answer every question basically you have. I recommend it everyone I know and am going organic. DO NOT support Monsanto by buying any of their products. Customers in America need to demand that GMO's at least be on the food labels as they are in Europe now. The DNA of GM crops is transferring to all other life forms, even unrelated, and is causing many mutations. Animals given a choice, choose pure crops over GM. See the book. Its great.
"Biotechnology is much more complex than technology." Robert Mann, biochemist, university of Aukland.
Homesteadmomma, do they plant different crops on different years? They cannot plant the same crop over and over or the soil will not do well, am I correct? Roundup soybeans are the only one I know about so far, not that it matters, between corn and soybeans, I'm surprised our food has any other ingredients!

Yep, crops get rotated every year, UNLESS the weather is very wet, then sometimes they will plant beans two years in a row. Unfortunately, if they plant corn, they just spray earlier in the year before planting. We have been talking to the landowner about buying the property, or at least the part that is just west of the house and main back yard (about 10 acres) so the wind wouldn't blow the nasty stuff all in our yard. Not to mention every year, the field gets closer and closer to our property line. Wish the evergreens would grow a little faster....

Round Up Soybeans have taken off but Monsanto has not stopped and many RoundUp ready crops are already growing in Monsanto's experiments, out in the open where they are contaminating the soil and other crops. These crops are just waiting to be on your dinner plate. And other GM companies in other places have similar things going on. By the way, once you have grown a GM crop in one place one time, the DNA does not go away for a long time and remains in the soil. Studies have shown that their DNA even just left, is causing mutations in other plants grown there. It even causes new strains of mold that produce new toxins. On top of that, bugs, wind and insects spread the DNA. Certain specific DNA of certain small amounts of GM crops that were undergoing testing in just one season have been found in crops miles and miles away. Some cool studies in very isolated parts of Mexico have also taken place and concluded the same things. Not to mention, bt corn and roundup soybeans toxins are far more potent than the original pesticide and much more concentrated. Especially in certain parts of the plant in certain weather. Many workers get especially sick when bt corn is pollinating.
In one study done four boys had a rare physical and mental disorder. The doctor found the gene that caused it and thought he could splice and put in a new gene to fix it. Well he did. It was pronounced a miracle and made it to tv. The scientific community was very excited. Within one year all of the boys had acquired a very rare form of vigorous growing lukemia. 3 of the 4 boys died soon after. The other boy, who I don't know if he is still living, was much worse off then he was to begin with. It was concluded the splicing of genes had caused it.
Also check out the L-triptophan thing in the 80's. It is a naturally occurring substance from turkeys that had been used quite successfully to treat many things. One company wanted to cut costs harvesting it so they engineered a bacteria to produce it. The public was not told. It made many people very sick and killed some. Taken to court many details were left and the whole thing was corrupt. It was not even brought up in court that only ones getting sick were the ones on the GM. So the government banned all the tryptophan. And even when many people got solid of evidence of what had gone on, the court refused to open the case again. I think since then the laws may have relaxed. Learn and live!
Looks like the chooks aren't the only ones stuck with corn


Tell me about it. If only you had seen that movie. They touched on the E-Coli problems stemming from feeding cows mainly corn. The documentary said that if they would just put the cows in a grass field for 5 days before slaughter, 80% of the E-Coli bacteria strain would have left their bodies. Instead, they take the meat and douse it with ammonia and "clean" the bacteria out of the meat, and it goes off to be used for filler meat (most likely McDs). I've gone crazy trying to find out how many people I have to split a cow with to be able to afford to buy one from one of my neighbors here. I can SEE their cows eating grass, lol!

How fortunate for you to be able to buy your cow meat! I am trying to look into that as well.Right now I am raising my own chickens...ducks...turkeys and geese for meat.I need to find pork and beef as well from someone local.I hate what this country allows to go into it's food sources
No wonder there are so many health problems!
If I had more property I would raise it all myself!
I don't have an opinion on this. But I have been around long enough to have read any number of headlines citing studies showing such and such caused birth defects, cancer, or whatever. Then later there has been found to be no connection at all between such and such and whatever dire consequences were claimed. There is a lot of junk science out there. I have no idea of the quality of this particular study. I can tell you this, though. I have bred and raised a lot of livestock exposed to Roundup, and I haven't seen ANY birth defects whatever.

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