Ruffled feathers then death!?!?


8 Years
May 30, 2011
Danville, Arkansas
I had a hen die few weeks ago she had her feathers started look ruff and on the end of her feathers unstead of round they was triangeled looking > like that they was like that for about a month then one day she was dead she act normal and I did give her med but didn't help I don't know why she died well now my LF Cochin hens feathers r doin the same thing they r fine breathing normal clean eyes, nose, and feet and I really don't want them to die what should I do what's wrong with them
Parasites (both internal and external) will cause chickens to look poorly and will kill them in short order if left unchecked. I would worm and dust the birds, as well as treat their environment. You will need to do all that twice about 10 days apart.
I have dust them and their area but haven't worm I'll have to wait until tuesday to get worker unless my husband has some in his truck I hope that's wat it is thanks
I'll update
I have had the same problem with several chickens. If they have. No bugs or worms which I have never had it is a severe infection. The vet advised to treat with tylan 200 injectable. 0.1ml per pound of bird usually 0.3 to 0.5ml every 48 hours for a total of 3 injections. The injection should be given in the breast meat with a 22g needle 3/4 inch long. Inject about a 1/4 inch in under skin. If this is not done quickly the birds will die and it will spread to other birds. Your coup should also be bleached down and rinsed well and all birds should be treated at same time sick or not. This is not a frizzle
Chicken pictured in your photo of the buff. It is a buff and she appears sick with this infection. If you don't know how to do injectables call in a farm vet. Good luck! Ps. You can not use the eggs while on tylan for ten days after the last injection.. I do not remember what it is called but I will try and find that out and post it for all of you to see. Ruffled/curled feathers means infection not bugs or worms or frizzle

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