Run and chick question


In the Brooder
May 13, 2020
So i currently have an established flock of 6 girls, their run is 10x15.
I have a brooder of 8 more girls, and plan on doubling the run.
What can i build/buy for a temporary ‘run’ inside of the run so the new chicks and hens can see eachother but not hurt eachother?
So i currently have an established flock of 6 girls, their run is 10x15.
I have a brooder of 8 more girls, and plan on doubling the run.
What can i build/buy for a temporary ‘run’ inside of the run so the new chicks and hens can see eachother but not hurt eachother?
Good question! Not sure if this is what your looking for, but I had this built for when an injured hen was being reintroduced to the flock. I now use it for integrating chicks. Sorry, I don’t have many good pictures of the actual structure, just bits and pieces. It’s a triangular wooden frame with hardware cloth over it, then half of it covered with plastic roofing to protect from rain and wind.

Another possible option is to build a frame with pvc pipes, then put hardware cloth over it. I haven’t tested it though. I think it would be more lightweight, and cheaper to build, but less sturdy. I’ve also seen people who just take a piece of poultry fencing or something similar, then bend it into a corner and put the chicks in there. Not sure if this is what your looking for, but good luck!
Good question! Not sure if this is what your looking for, but I had this built for when an injured hen was being reintroduced to the flock. I now use it for integrating chicks. Sorry, I don’t have many good pictures of the actual structure, just bits and pieces. It’s a triangular wooden frame with hardware cloth over it, then half of it covered with plastic roofing to protect from rain and wind. View attachment 2651164View attachment 2651162
Another possible option is to build a frame with pvc pipes, then put hardware cloth over it. I haven’t tested it though. I think it would be more lightweight, and cheaper to build, but less sturdy. I’ve also seen people who just take a piece of poultry fencing or something similar, then bend it into a corner and put the chicks in there. Not sure if this is what your looking for, but good luck!
That is what i am looking for! That’s a great example! I probably won’t make it out of wood (if i can help it because wood is $$$$ right now). But that’s a great idea
That is what i am looking for! That’s a great example! I probably won’t make it out of wood (if i can help it because wood is $$$$ right now). But that’s a great idea
Yes, probably building stuff out of wood is not the best idea right now, with the huge jump in prices... I also remember it being a fairly expensive project, and that was before lumber prices went up!
I use a pet x-pen. You could make it into need shape (mine is all but one panel in a straight line, last panel is in a 90 degree angle, that meets up with the run.)...


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As @RojoMarz posted. We use a 6 panel pet fence. We have it against barn wall in the run. The chicks are in a brooder inside the barn, so we open a pop door for them to go in and out. We have used various things to cover it: burlap (just keep any raw ends away bc they will pick at it, might eat the strings), shade cloth, extra plastic mesh fencing, cattle panel, even a broken table umbrella. We’ve used long but thin sticks to support any flexible cover. The other chickens WILL try to get in bc any food or water you put in the closure MUST be better than what they have, so the must have it. Silly chickens.

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