Run away chicken:(


In the Brooder
Mar 18, 2017
Northern va
I have a chicken that keep wondering way too far lately our alpha hen just passed away at the age of 4 and then the land lord took one out of the flock to a differnt location leaving 3 left.. there hasnt been any animal attacks.. this chicken spent the whole night somewhere and is still missing any suggestions its almost as if shes suicidal
Predators can and do take chickens without ever being seen. If you live in the city, it could be a person took her. If they are used to their coop, they would want come back to roost at night.
You may need to "home" her back to the coop again. you have a run that can be used to keep everyone at home for a week or so?
It is also possible she's preparing to go broody
Could she be up in a tree somewhere at night? If shes not around during the day she's either broody or maybe something took her when she's out wandering. I had a hen that went missing and i found her by following poops tnat I discovered in places where my hens never went, eventually I found her about 50 metres away from the coop in a nest she'd made with 8 eggs and was broody!
Could she be up in a tree somewhere at night? If shes not around during the day she's either broody or maybe something took her when she's out wandering. I had a hen that went missing and i found her by following poops tnat I discovered in places where my hens never went, eventually I found her about 50 metres away from the coop in a nest she'd made with 8 eggs and was broody!
I have a chicken that keep wondering way too far lately our alpha hen just passed away at the age of 4 and then the land lord took one out of the flock to a differnt location leaving 3 left.. there hasnt been any animal attacks.. this chicken spent the whole night somewhere and is still missing any suggestions its almost as if shes suicidal
If she returns you might try locking her in the coop for a week and let her get re-accustomed to the idea that the coop is where she roosts. My hens will disappear when they are broody only to return in three weeks with a brood of chicks.
I use a food call to tell them when i have treats. It can be anything you want, from a song to a bell, but I thought it would be useful if they were lost to call them back. if you want them to come running when you call, don't use it for things like some clover, but for something like a big bowl of salad gone yucky, or some meat. Something really, really great that they love.

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