Run roofing - open or covered? How to install footing?


9 Years
Jan 19, 2011
I live up in the mountains and have fairly cold and wet winters - up to 3.5' of snow on the ground at most (I hope!!)
Snow on the ground for most of the winter - maybe 2'

We live on a VERY wet property...high water table.
The area where the coop will be already has 18" pipe swale to help with some of the water, but our horse barn required 26+" of shale under it to keep the surrounding ground dry and mud-free.

So....covered or uncovered run?

What type of footing/preparation would you suggest for the run?
Do you think we should dig down and put in shale, like the barn?
Concrete pad, then sand?

Any suggestions would be great - I try to do things right the FIRST time, if I can!!
We live on a VERY wet property...high water table.
The area where the coop will be already has 18" pipe swale to help with some of the water, but our horse barn required 26+" of shale under it to keep the surrounding ground dry and mud-free.
So....covered or uncovered run? What type of footing/preparation would you suggest for the run?

I would strongly suggest a roofed run ON A RAISED FOOTING for the run. That is, put in the posts (properly) for the rafters, but then bring in a foot or so of roadbase to put down amongst them so that the run surface is raised up above the surrounding ground. That *plus* a roof should put you in good shape. (Note that your initial foot of aggregate WILL settle and become less in time)

Concrete pad, then sand?

Concrete slab is kind of expensive, you'll need to save the $ for building a proper shed roof over the run
You could DO that if you wanted, but I think that as long as you can bring in fill to raise the run level, that'd be the more sensible choice.

JMHO of course, good luck, have fun,


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