Run space requirements for HAPPY hens

They're very content, though they will escape into the yard at any time. And from the yard they'll escape into the great yonder if a gate gets open. So take that how you will.

Guess mine are crazy,we let them out every afternoon for a bit of supervised ranging but they "escape" back into the run if given the option, probably because they're so used to being in there that it's scary being outside. The few times I had a bird fly out pre-netting install, they just kept walking around the run, trying to figure out how to get back in.
Reading these replies is a good reality check. Nope, not cannibalizing each other or beating each other up, and since "the incident", haven't lost any to predators.

I had planted lots of grass, and despite trying to keep it up, not a shred is left. I love the idea of rotating closed off growing areas - I'll definitely do that. Also love the idea of buying some live crickets. (They got a mouse the other day - what a chase scene - I cannot believe what serious hunters they are!)

More creative on the enrichment side sounds like the way to go. When it finally starts raining we'll start getting worms - that'll be fun. I do spend time with them daily, and good solid time on weekends, but I'm not much more creative than scratch or some hunks of alfalfa hay (from the horses) - can do better here.

Happy chickens are important to me, as I have them as pets / sanity keepers to help balance out a hectic high tech life.
I try to come up with fun stuff for my birds and they LOVE to pick to get into the center of a pumpkin. I cut some of the skin off in a few places around the thing and hang it in their run with a string. It takes a bit for them to break into the center, but when they do.....they clean it out and then some. A nice and tasty diversion.
I don't have unlimited space, but I have more room than urbanites. I used to free range on about an acre. But hawks.... So now my birds have about 35 sq ft per bird, and I feel like they're cramped! But they seem happy. They have lots of ramps and roosts and even a tree in there. I still let them out every day to roam the fenced yard.

I recently added to it, too. It seemed huge when I first opened it up. Now I feel like I need to expand it yet again!
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Guess mine are crazy,we let them out every afternoon for a bit of supervised ranging but they "escape" back into the run if given the option, probably because they're so used to being in there that it's scary being outside. The few times I had a bird fly out pre-netting install, they just kept walking around the run, trying to figure out how to get back in.

All of my birds show this behavior, almost all, from the first to jump out of the brooder to squeezing under the fence as adults. They do like to be home, but forget and wander. Our roosters don't like it when the hens stray.....

I recently added to it, too. It seemed huge when I first opened it up. Now I feel like I need to expand it yet again!
….There IS a thread on "Chicken Math". According to this theory you do need to expand it again. :)

Yes, I do! I am planning on adding 3 more next spring - LOL! I don't yet have all the yard candy breeds I want. Hahahahaha!
The Chickspouse said I had to walk the fence this morning because she heard something awful last night. I should have made the run smaller, long walk. Kept going awhile beyond.

Bye the way, upon walking out early, a coyote howl rang out plaintively a few times. :(
Flying predators is why I spent the money on a predator-proof run, covered with wire, so that my birds are protected. I still allow the birds to free-range during the day but I have plenty of bushes/trees in the yard for them to hide under! I have lost two birds (over a very short time) during the day to something, still to be determined, a fox is first suspect! I live in a small town in central Illinois so can't be sure what we have here!
I have a 19x8 ft run, but every day at 6:00 AM, the door opens to their fenced area. The fence has the option to be electric, but we haven't had an escaping or predator problem yet, so why put the chickens through electrocution? Their fence goes around I'm gonna say... 60x40 feet? (I'm not very good at estimating length.) BUT... we let them free range almost every day. We have 10 acres but 4 of them are woods. The chickens use around 4 acres of plains most of the time.
We have 12-oh wait, 11 chickens.

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