Runner Duck Attacking my feet


Oct 19, 2016
My duck is literally attacking my feet anytime she sees them... She is an only duck with a dog companion. She lives inside with us but sleeps at night inside a hen house type of thing. Im not sure if her attacking my feet is because she is trying to mate or if she is mad at me... She doesn't interact with other ducks but she does get time to swim, be outside, and loves to play with her dog sister....

Any advice is appreciated lol
First of all, how adorable that she lives inside with you! What do you do about the poo? We didn't research it at all, but I would bet this is an instinctual behavior, and not based on any kind of agression.
Also it's probably just a phase.
That is so cute!!
Ducks have a fascination with feet even shoes. My drake loves to chew on my one pair of sloggers I wear out around them.
Be sure to wear socks or shoes so your duck can't get to your skin.
First of all, how adorable that she lives inside with you! What do you do about the poo? We didn't research it at all, but I would bet this is an instinctual behavior, and not based on any kind of agression.
Also it's probably just a phase.
That is so cute!!
Haha thank you! I made a diaper for her and put menstrual pads in it to catch and absorb anything lol

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