Running incubator, how long?


10 Years
Feb 28, 2009
Southern Illinois
I seem to keep using both my styrofoam incubators almost nonstop. They are getting short breaks for cleaning and that is about it.
How long can I expect them to work before I need to replace parts? Months? a year or more....


The turning with a new motor is helpful too but not in as much use but that could change shortly to full time also.
yeah so do I. I am thinking about making my own. I like the way one is shown on here. The water is in a pan at the top along with the heating element.
farrier! :

If I get a 3rd incubator as a back up I will just end up filling it too...

I really want a cabinet bator.....
oh well

I just got one(cabinet) from a gentleman in WV....holds up to 150 eggs!! 2 Trays with auto-turner. Took me a bit to "tweak it" to the right temps(I added a computer fan to get the 2 trays more consistent in temp)....but I have 90 eggs in there now. Gonna be using my stryofoam bators as hatchers only since I will be able to "stagger hatches" using the big bator.

Cost was about $200 I think. Its nothing fancy like the big GQFs, etc, but seems to work well

PM me if interested and I will look up his info for you​

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