Running low on chickens


Sep 25, 2015
Void where prohibited.
This Arizona heat is killer, literally. I've now lost like three birds this summer.
There's nothing further I can really do. They have lots of shade, and water, but I can't run them AC. Heck, I don't even run me AC.
If I replace them, I'll wait til it cools down in OCT.
Yikes! We had 100º yesterday, birds were panting but made it thru another day. I have done the same, providing shade, even a fan for the youngsters still confined.
Haven't chickens lived in hot tropical locales like India and Africa for centuries? Did they not originate in Southeast Asia?
Shot may be next.

I wish they would tell me when they're gonna keel over. I can plan dinner that way, otherwise it's off to the dump.

Inconsiderate little gits, I know. No humidity in my neck of the woods, so I don't seem to suffer the losses that you guys are currently experiencing, but I can imagine how cheesed off you all must get.

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