Runny green poop - my stupidity


9 Years
Jul 7, 2010
Tioga County PA
My 8 baby girl Buff Orpington's are about 7 weeks old. They are in an enclosed run with lots of room. It is mostly dirt now with a little bit of grass. I also have 2 older chickens. I have been feeding the babies everything that I feed the older ones -- bread, broccoli, watermelon, grapes, radish leaves, corn on cob, yogurt -- once or twice a day as a treat. They do have fresh water - inside & outside. They have starter crumbles in their feeder. The older two are fine. The little ones seem to have runny green poop. Will this just correct itself if I stop giving them all of that stuff? I am so worried and feel really stupid. I thought that I was doing something nice for them. I just looked it up on here and found that I should not be giving them anything but yogurt and their feed.

Thanks for any help at all.
At 7 weeks old I fed my kids all of that. Only in small SMALL quantities. At about 3 weeks old I was feeding them meal-worms.

All of my birds are happy and healthy.

You'll read a lot of different opinions on here. Take them all in and then use what you think is best. It's always a learning experience. If you think that it's what you're feeding them then I'd suggest stop feeding it to them and see if the green poos stop.

Chickens are chickens. They eat pretty much everything... including grass which some people assume that they don't. It's funny to me that people thing that feeding chickens different types of food can harm a chick....In some ways it can if they are not exposed to grit.

Yogurt is a favorite around this place, as you can see.
Thank you! That does make me feel better. They just had broccoli this morning so maybe that is it. Maybe I am just over-reacting!
They do seem happy.
I'll send you a link to a site that someone sent to me because my Silkie shed some of it's intestinal lining and I thought that s/he was hurt:). I learn something new every single day about all of my animals. Stuff just happens.

Really yogurt is good for them but it seems like a "cure" to everything around here.

Like this: (it's just an example)

-"My chicken has mites" Thread owner

-"Give it some yogurt"- Suggester

I find it hilarious.

Any how here's the site about poops and what's normal and not:

No yogurt is just easier for the birds to digest and it sorta regulates them a bit
just like you give yogurt to a dog with gas
What goes it must come out! I gave my girls blackberries, then freaked out the next morning when I found blue/purple poop everywhere. I was relieved when I remembered what I had fed them. I've found that a lot of times, it looks the same color coming out, as it did going in!
LOL The beets would have been it for me! That would have scared me to death. LOL I don't know why it didn't click with me - broccoli = green poop. I am just always so worried that I will goof something up and hurt them. They seem like tough little buggers - maybe I should just relax.

Thanks again everyone.
At 7 weeks my little barred rock roo started acting sick He had been crop bound before so we had been vary carefuk of what he ate, but when he started acting like this I thought oh no here we go again. Took him inside and noticed he had green poo I gave him eletrolytes and hard boiled egg yolk. Next day still green po and runny called the vet, Spent 68.00 to find out he ate a bug that didnt agree with him. So even bugs can turn their poo funny colors.

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