runny poo

gallina man

9 Years
Jan 27, 2010
just noticed this morning lots of runny poo should i stop giving treats i.e just started giving them warm oat meal with raisins yesterday they went mad for it they have been eating raisins before so its not them is there anything i should be looking for or just lay of the treats thanks very new to this
I think the consistency of poop is indicative of what was ingested.
Oatmeal should bind them, however; raisins have laxative qualities (plus lots of sugar).

Use your good common sense and remember ... this too shall pass!
You're going to notice some runny poos, even without the treats. It's called ceceal poo and it's entirely normal. Sort of a flushing of their GI tract.
As Teri stated, different foods can cause different poos. I hate going out to the chicken yard after my birds have feasted on figs.

Here's a helpful link all about chicken poo. I will warn you that there are actual pics of poo there, in case you are eating breakfast or something.

ETA: Remember that the little ones need the complete nutrition of their chick starter/grower, so go easy on the treats.
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I feed my chicks chick starter only till they have their feathers. Then it's scratch and treats. They also get to free range then. The only chicks that get anything other than starter are my AO's and they get rice and fish at 2 weeks old.

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