Russian Orloffs

Well, after all the trouble this year with tornados, lots of stuff destroyed, just a really rough spring, I finally got caught up enough to do a head count and take some pictures of our Orloffs. So far we've hatched out 187, and after a little culling and the ones we lost in the storms we currently have 114 Spangled Orloff chicks counting the ones that hatched out today. I plan on hatching at the very least 400 this year to cull back to the best 20 or so for next years breeders.

A picture from today of one of the pullet's nest boxes with a dollar bill for scale;


These hatched out today (With an oddball BB Red);



and these are a week old;


These are from two weeks up to around four weeks old;



and just one of many in the grow out coop;


It's a labor of love. Over 100 eggs still in the incubator with more hatching every Friday.
Does anyone have any bantams? I went to the Northeastern Poultry Congress and there was only one trio there.... and not that great of quality!
Yup! I have bantams & LF.

I do the bantams...and I am workings towards the ABA standard with them. I am breeding for correct leg color, full muffs and excellent coloring. I took two cockerels to a show in March and both did well (Best of Breed & Reserve Best of Breed)--of course, they were the only ones there...but at least no DQ's!

I need to get some better photos but it's been dark, windy and pouring rain for two days....


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