Russian Orloffs

Now for a few of the ones I'm keeping. None are perfect, but each one has something I am needing to work on improving the breed.

These are the two young cockerels I'm keeping. They were not in a posing mood, so not great pictures. I think both will be very nice once they molt out into adult plumage.

Just a few random shots of the hens and pullets. Most were running away from the scary camera..
And all have yellow legs, I just have a really crappy cheap camera that refuses to show the color right. oh well...

Mississippi, I do hope you improve soon. Warm regards. The "keeper" cockerel is nice. I went to a woman's house yesterday to pick up a young RO of about 4-5 weeks for free. We had a lot in common so it was a nice visit. She had three rooster/cockerels there and only the two hens. She offered me one of her boys for free and I have to say I am going back. I was sitting with her over a cream cheese frosting filled pumpkin whoopie pie with a glass of lemonade trying to politely listen to her but I couldn't stop admiring her birds out the window. They looked like Mahonanys, but she caught one by chance out in the barn and showed it to me up close. It had some spangling on its chest but it was so dark a breast. The hens are spangles but the boys look like solid Mahogany until you look right at them up close. They were tall and predatory with bright yellow legs. There was just something about them that said, "yes." This woman is part Russian and she was in touch with a man who claimed to be keeping black Orloffs back in the EU. She is going to look into it for me. Sherlock Holmes novels were never my thing but I love a good treasure hunt. I'll post pictures of the ones I got from Mr Charlie. They are not in a small cage for long but I don't have the third coop yet and I can't build them open like you do down south. Snow and all that up here prevents it unless I really do want meat popsicles.
Something I noticed in other threads is that they keep track of 'lines' of birds and who has whose. It seems like a good idea. I can't say that I have anything more than whatever Mr Charlie had, two industrial/hatcheyr, one from an unknown breeder and another coming from a line what's name is being looked up. For those interested in preservation and breeding could we work on keeping a list, at least in here??
Adding pics of a few of the birds I got.
This is the young cockerel from Mr Charlie. I really like it for type but I am learning so give me the dirty here. I know it has too much white right now and hope it will grow/molt out.

This is a young hen who has nice color but as you can see not a lot of spangling or interest in modeling. She is craning her neck here. These are all pretty young.

Second of the older two hens. Again, too much white but she has 'personality' lol

One of the younger pullets who is quite young and not too friendly or into modeling. Note the nice legs though and no 'rust.'

And last but not least, I was given a chick of about 4-5 weeks from the woman mentioned above. Not a great pic of anything more than general color and the legs which are a good solid yellow. I am hoping this is a cockerel but can't wait to see it in a few months either way.

One thing I have seen a lot of in all but this woman's birds is a lot of white. Hers did not have much at all, just a tiny bit in the nairs and around the eyes.
Nice score Ash! I have some from Charlie that look very similar to that cockerel, but so far the tail isn't carried that high. I prefer a lower carriage on the tail. My running theory is that somewhere down the line the spangled birds here were crossed into mahogany birds, hence the lack of spangle and an overall practically solid colored bird. I have been working on a spreadsheet to trace the origins of the Orloffs in the US, but i gotta tell you, it's difficult at best. There aren't a lot of people who share the info or even know it. So whatever info you get would be greatly appreciated.
Take care all,
Is this where I mention they were all free?? I know, I know. My luck hasn't always been so good though.
Ivy I will share anything I hear and will try for pictures of that ladies birds. I too think the carriage is a little high in that pic but if he gets more upright in his overall carriage then I think it'll balance out. I can't tell anything about the chick right now other than it has good feet.
Ash, just my advise for what it's worth....
but give that cockerel a molt into his adult coloration and I think he'll be right on the money color wise. Mine always have way too much white in the juvenile plumage.
The hens could use a little more spangling, but that's super easy to get in my opinion. It's the base color that's a pain in the butt, and these look to have a good base color. I love the bright yellow legs! The second hen that is stretching her neck? That's the stance you want to breed for.

All and all? You have a good start I think.

Ivy, I think the Spangled were crossed with both Mahogany Orloffs and Speckled Sussex in most cases. That explains the too dark coloration in the hens, poor stance, incorrect combs and the pale legs in most strains.
I LOVE the spreadsheet idea!
Ivy, I think the Spangled were crossed with both Mahogany Orloffs and Speckled Sussex in most cases. That explains the too dark coloration in the hens, poor stance, incorrect combs and the pale legs in most strains.
Yep. I agree 100%.
There is actually a cock on the main page for the Russian Orloff Society of Great Britain that, in my opinion, is the goal for me as far as spangled cocks go. I love the carriage and station, as well as the color. this link will take you to a page that has the actually picture listed as Best Rare at National Show 2010 a little further down (6th pic on the right hand side). On the left hand side (4th pic down) shows "Ivan the Terrible" which is another one I like, although the color is I think a little richer almost too dark.

Here is another great example of Spangled Orloffs from Germany. The cock in the German picture has the ideal body type, I think, even better than the GB one only because it carries the "3 curve" stance characteristic of the Malay influence as opposed to the slightly sloping curve represented in the GB birds. I have to believe we have the ability to achieve great looking birds, heck, I think we are on our way, and I am happy to be involved with such a great group of people.
Oh, Ivy, I think that print at the bottom of the GB page is it for me. I get to see what the color 'should' be and can relax on the amount of white showing now. Phew. I even made it the desktop image to burn it into my mental eye. I find that I can read these things but when I SEE them is when it clicks. Also... you are going to just die when you see these cockerels/roosters this woman has. tee he he (rubbing of hands). I can't wait to get pictures now.

Something I am seeing in the pic is a pinching at the base of the neck. Did you notice it? I don't see that in my birds except the one cull who is chestnut colored. Anyone have this in their birds consistently? I read that they are supposed to be heavy in the neck feathering. Also, I seem to be having issues with them keeping their beards. None are as full as should be-- NONE. Its very irritating, especially if you like beards.

I am going to try to get a few pictures of eggs and eyes this week so we can discuss those traits. Again, I know what I read but I really KNOW what I see.

And the sussex bit makes sense as to why they aren't as upright of hens as well, that real heavy undercarriage makes a lot more sense now. I have one gal here who is just great at being upright. Here is hoping for the rest...
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Well, this cockerel is getting more and more admiration here. I post on my local state thread as well and who knows. Maybe others will take interest in Orloffs. I can't say that I feel totally honest saying they are dual purpose when mine neither lay lots or are very meaty (not when compared with the orps or marans anyway).
Is everyone off watching football?

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