Sad day today

I am so sorry for your loss.
He sounds like a darling!! We are so blessed to have those special ones in our lives. You were the best thing that happened to him!!
Isn't it amazing how such small creatures can take up such room in our hearts? I feel your pain; have been there/done that too many times to count now. Curly's legacy will live on in your memories, and I hope the day soon comes when thoughts of Curly bring no more tears, but only smiles and that warm feeling in your heart.
It is soo hard to say "goodbye" and accept the death of a beloved animal. I think because we really open up and give our hearts to them. The only thing that helps me to get past it a little is to realize that none of us get out of here alive!
And the absolute best you can do is love and take care of your animals while you have them. And it certainly sounds as if you did that! Which is really very wonderful - Curly was a super lucky little guy!

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