Sad days in my flock (gruesome pictures warning)


In the Brooder
Apr 30, 2015
Atoka TN
Not that long ago I had a 5 bird, 2 year old flock of 1 New Hampshire rooster, 1 New Hampshire hen, and 3 Partridge Plymouth Rock hens. My first flock I ever had, and raised from hatchlings. Unfortunately there are German Sheppards that live up the road that hot bored and killed a neighbor's chickens last year, then came for mine this year. I just got home to the horrific sight as the culprits where leaving with part of my rooster.
The dog's jumped their own 6' fence and over out 3' fence around our yard. One hen was torn apart, two where simply sport killed by the beasts. The third survived the initial attack, but died a day and a half later due to her trauma and wounds.
. And just the very day before the attack I brought my babies home.
. The police made a report, but since no other families that have been tormented by them have called in on them animal control couldn't do anything. I'm no longer ever going to let my flock free range while I am away for any amount of time
I am so sorry about your horrible loss. It's so sad.
Your little ones will be fine with just free ranging with your supervision since the wont grow up expecting to be let out all day.

I'm sure many others on the forum sympathize with your loss, but are reluctant click on the thread because the photos will remind them of their own chickens that died because of an attack.
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I am so sorry about your horrible loss. It's so sad.
Your little ones will be fine with just free ranging with your supervision since the wont grow up expecting to be let out all day.

I'm sure many others on the forum sympathize with your loss, but are reluctant click on the thread because the photos will remind them of  their own chickens that died because of an attack.
I appreciate your sympathy with my misfortune. I fear though not so much for my young flock as I do the neighboring children. These dogs have a history in the neighborhood of going after other small animals. I fear that one of the children will try to protect their kitten or puppy and be attacked too. I live in a family oriented neighborhood so there are a LOT of small children. I fear for my new flock, but more for my neighborhood kids.
@BittyBantamMom6 of course the dog owners should be worried about this, too, even if it is just the self interest in liability. I looked around the internet because I was trying to find an example of an angled attachment inside the fence to prevent jumping or climbing. The first link has a photo of something like that, but there are other interesting ideas in the links. Maybe if several neighbors were to approach them together in a clam manor, they would make some changes rather than just get defensive.
 of course the dog owners should be worried about this, too, even if it is just the self interest in liability.  I looked around the internet because I was trying to find an example of an angled attachment inside the fence to prevent jumping or climbing.  The first link has a photo of something like that, but there are other interesting ideas in the links.  Maybe if several neighbors were to approach them together in a clam manor, they would make some changes rather than just get defensive.
possibly. Thank you for the ideas

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