Sad decision


In the Brooder
Apr 18, 2020
we had to make the decision yesterday to rehome one of our male ducks. He is just plainly going to kill our female. Yesterday he grabbed the females head thur the fence i have up to seperate them, and was drowning her. So any suggestions/vibes would be great right now
we had to make the decision yesterday to rehome one of our male ducks. He is just plainly going to kill our female. Yesterday he grabbed the females head thur the fence i have up to seperate them, and was drowning her. So any suggestions/vibes would be great right now
It’s not easy for any of us who look at our ducks as pets, but then again it’s our responsibility to protect our females to so that helps some when we have to make the decision to rehome. I’d say most of us on this forum have had to do this and understand how you are feeling right now. We have a rehoming forum here on BYC place him in it and also your state thread. All the best.
It's sad but it can work out really great too for everyone.

I recently had to re-home my Patches and did so to a member on here who's about an hour away. Her Pekin drake died during a surgical procedure and his mate was devastated.

He is loving life and living large with his new family and "wife". They are wonderful people who are totally enjoying and taking great care of him. He is one happy little runner drake loving his plus-sized girl.

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