Sad lonely chicken


7 Years
Jul 26, 2012
Sturbridge, Ma
Went away for a week to return to two dead chickens, one missing, and one untouched. The Brahma that survived is lonely. How do I go about adding chickens? Will she be to stressed out living by herself for the amount of time to raise chicks, or should I purchase a few 6week old chickens and speed up the process.
1st thing you need to do is secure your coop. Whatever got to the others will be back for another easy meal. 6 wk olds would fare better. She's gonna pack at whatever you put in there..pecking order thingy..but make sure your coop is predator proof
When I had a lone roo, no hens yet, he wanted me to come out and play during the day, so if you can, you may want to spend some time with her until you can get her some new playmates. She may be happy with you just out there fixing your coop. Good luck and very sorry for your loss. :hugs
I would go with older hens if you can get them, maybe older and younger chicks. But full size birds will quickly fit with this bird. And you will have a true flock. Younger birds will be a sub flock, until they lay.

But either way, she will live.
I think it’s very important to spend time with her until you can get her some chicken companions. Also I’d give her plenty of treats and things to play with and dig in to help pass her time productively so she doesn’t develop bad habits. It will be stressful for awhile no matter what you do. But I think if you can get adult birds that would be better and maybe consider some younger ones too. But if it were me I’d be careful not to add too many birds at one time because she could get outnumbered and picked on. Of utmost importance is fixing the coop. After a raccoon attack at my house I trapped three opossums and one raccoon with a second raccoon that I saw but never could trap. All in two nights. They will always come back to try to find a way in if they can. I’m terribly sorry for your loss.

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