Sad news...

Get some Bag Balm. Miracle stuff. If it will heal cow's teats it will heal anything. Get those areas super clean and slathered on that bag balm. Twice a day. Bandage it good. When you see scabs you can leave the bandages off. Scabs are mother nature's bandage and the best bandage of all. Might take a couple of weeks but don't give up. Good luck the duck will come along might be gimpy but at least alive.
Took it to the vet. 2 of 3 digits have to be amputated. Unfortunately do to the cost, I will likely be doing my own mercy kill.
I took the duckling to the vet tonight. The bill was $180 for wound care, antibiotics, pain killers and estimate of amputation ($589). Euthanizing would cost $170-230 because they can't be done intravenously. Bottom line is that I will be researching and trying to decide the most humane way to euthanize it myself because I have no way of knowing if it's a female and if it will lay golden eggs. 😭
Your vet is expensive!

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