sad topic............

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Our cat had a litter of kittens last week. One of the babies developed a systemic infection (probably through the umbilicus) and we knew we needed to end its suffering.

We chose to do the vinegar/baking soda. It worked great and was something my six kids could deal with. We wrapped her up in a little scrap of cloth and put her in a tub with a tight lid and put the jar of vinegar and baking soda in with her and it was all done when we checked 30 min later.

I have no problem with all of the other "techniques" people have posted. This is just what we prefer.
I have read this in hopes of knowing a good way if the need arises. I do have to say that some of the methods do seem a bit cruel to me. Like drowning and freezing.
If one must put down an animal it should be done as fast and painless as possible. Now I have never had to use it but I think starting fliud sprayed on a rag in a closed container with chick would be a good fast painless way for chicks (IMO) since starting fluid is ether. I don't know if it is better or worse than the soda vinegar method, but same general idea.
This is probably the one topic that bothers me most about raising animals, especially chickens. God has really been so good to me because in over 9 years of having them I have never had to cull even one chick. I have had some that died of course, but they were just dead when I went out to feed, etc. There have been those that I was treating with antibiotics, etc, that died overnight while I was sleeping, or away, and came back to find they had passed. There have been surplus roosters that I sold or gave away. And I do not let animals exist in unnecessary pain for anyone that may wonder. I am so thankful that I haven't been faced with this as it is both gut-wrenching and heart-breaking. I don't believe that I could do it personally, but my husband would do it for me if necessary.
My heart goes out to all that have had to do this. It can not be easy any way route you go.
Does anyone here use chloroform? Does one know if you need a RX prescription for get it?
I definitely agree that severing the spinal cord is the best way to go, but asphyxiation using CO2 (baking soda/vinegar or dry ice) or some organic solvent (like chloroform) is MUCH less painful and traumatic than freezing, drowning, etc. Generally, if enough is used, the animals will lose consciousness without a lot of pain prior to suffocation. So it seems someone who can't cut/pull of a head will have an easier go of it using this method. With that said, CO2 can agitate the throat/lungs. As someone said above, try taking a deep breath in right after you open a big bottle of soda. Still, a better option than an unsure alternative.
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I assume there are no chickens posting on here at all, and if they were, they still wouldn't be able to give a first-person account of which method is less painful, frightening, etc., I have heard that there is a several second delay before the brain can relay the impulses to the nerves that it is all over, so to speak, when a creature is beheaded. None of these things are easy to speculate on and certainly we can not know for certain firsthand - unless we died by that method ourselves (God forbid.) I don't know that there's really any one way to go. Each person has to deal with the situation as best they humanely can with the knowledge they have at the moment. I do not envy anyone the agonizing quandary of such a choice, but it does become necessary at times as we all know.
I have noticed that quite a bit of arguing seems common on this website which is unfortunate in the extreme.
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thanks Chicklady........this is true, we don't know but we can make educated guesses based on what we know of science, medicine etc....and hopefully make a choice based on that. We especially need to remember that having poultry means being responsible owners and not letting our sensitivities get in the way of what needs to be done. If an animal is suffering, he will suffer all the more when someone dilly dallies about the job at hand due to feeling bad about it.
Can't you just shoot them? That's what I did with one of mine after we tried the freezer method someone suggested and it didn't work. My husband just shot it in the head.
Cull in the way that works for "you" what you can live with doing. The way that is putting the chick out of misery and that you can handle doing and feel good about the way in which you decide to cull. Not everyone will agree on the most humane way, and as long as you are not letting the chick suffer and you feel the way you are using is ending it's misery as fast as possible is what matters.
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