Sadness and a difficult duck


7 Years
Oct 17, 2016
Northeast Ohio
I have a 6 year old Khaki female, Baby, who is an enormous diva, and real troublemaker. She is fond of luring other ducks to go to the road in front of my house. 2 of my girls have died as a result of this. Yesterday, her only companion that she would tolerate, my beloved duck, Sparky, got hit by a car.

Fencing is not an option, our property is too large and odd shaped and we would have to fence off the driveway.

She is obviously really upset today. But I have 6 other wonderful duck girls that she won’t spend time with.

Will she eventually join the flock? My heart is broken for losing Sparky as well as my sadness for her loss.
We live on the side of a mountain very hard to fence so out of 10 acres we opted for half acre to fence so our birds would be safe no road to worry about but woods full of hungry predators. Maybe just fencing in a small piece? I’m sorry for your loss. As for joining the rest my experience is my Muscovy having 2 drakes with their own females having to be separated from each other, when my old drake died he had one female left . I put her with the others and she was not welcomed by the drake but one of the females befriended her. 6 months later she was part of their flock. He was never mean to her other than making her get away. She is now 14 and this was in 2016 so she has been with them for quite some time now. She still likes to hang by herself some but she’s got her flock too.
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My Rouens would go stand in the highway and get hit by cars, then they showed my Swedish Blue Bibbed Ducks to go out into the Highway too. My Pekins were the only ones who were smart enough not too. I just rehomed all of them, because they were going to cause a car accident. When the ducks would get hit my dogs would go into the highway too. They also led my geese out there! Now everything is going well without them. Id try to rehome your troublemaker before she leads the others out.
My Rouens would go stand in the highway and get hit by cars, then they showed my Swedish Blue Bibbed Ducks to go out into the Highway too. My Pekins were the only ones who were smart enough not too. I just rehomed all of them, because they were going to cause a car accident. When the ducks would get hit my dogs would go into the highway too. They also led my geese out there! Now everything is going well without them. Id try to rehome your troublemaker before she leads the others out.
You may not need to rehome her, I would just make a separate pen for her and maybe put her with one or two flockmates, make sure it's caged in so she can't fly out but also make sure it's comfortable for her

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