Safe for processing?


11 Years
Sep 3, 2008
I posted this over in the diseases section but thought it might be more appropriate here. A simple question: are chickens with a minor outbreak of fowl pox in the dry form (still eating and drinking and behaving normally, no clogging of mucosa) and not taking medication safe to process and eat? My instinct says yes, but I was hoping for a second opinion and couldn't find the answer with an internet search.

We'd like to process them tomorrow evening. Thanks!

if it was me..personally i would wait if you can for the fowl pox to clear up....but in anycase here's a bump for you
Thanks mjsdhs, I would normally go that route, but this flock is already overdue for butchering and only a couple of them are showing a few pox. I was thinking it would be good to get them all done before it spreads to all of them. I suppose I could just do everyone who doesn't have pox yet. I'd still love to know the answer to my burning question though


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