Safe To Do?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 16, 2014
Indianola, Iowa
I have 2 Black Sex Link Hens and a White Leg Horn Hen and I was offered 2 Iowa Blue Hens.. they would all be the same age but I don't know if they would all get along??
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! You might like to check out the BYC Learning Center, lots of good articles on all aspects of chicken keeping. there is a nice article on adding chickens to your flock. Depending on where they came from, you might want to do a medical quarantine (talked about at the beginning of the article) to be sure the new birds don't carry anything that could make your flock sick... then integrate them slowly, usually a period of time of a couple of weeks of seeing but no touching through wire works well, ie if you divide your coop or keep the new girls in a cage inside the coop/run. Those three breeds should get along fine once they get to know each other.

Welcome to BYC!

Just make sure to introduce them slowly over several weeks. Keep the newbies in a cage or fenced off area but within the flock at all times. Everybody sees, nobody touches. After several weeks, you can mix them together. Things should go smoothly. Always watch them close for a few days and always intervene if it turns bloody.

Great to have you aboard and enjoy your flock!

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