Safe to feed raw and cooked Onions to Chickens?

I'm not sure if it is safe but I wouldn't because it will give the eggs and meat (if they are meat birds) an off taste. The same is true for garlic and fish meal.
Onions and garlic will not harm chickens, but they can cause the eggs to taste like them. As with anything though, too much is never good.

If you don't mind your eggs tasting like onions then by all means give it go.
My chickens ate all of the tops off the onions in my garden.
They are not laying yet, so hopefully no harm done.
:) My hen raced towards the green onion stem before my rooster could! I believe it IS safe, but I will wait until she lays next morning to see if it ruins the taste!
I gave mine leftover green beans and onions with a little ham in them, I guess I will have to wait and see what happens
I give mine stuff with onions in occasionally, no one has died yet from it, I'm not sure if they eat them or not but they disappear.

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