Safe to process pullet killed by raccoon?

No, coons carry too many zoonotic diseases and not all present early. Rabies may be remote, but it's all but fatal without the exposure series. I refuse to take that chance, even if it's million to one.
:(If there is a doubt in your mind then that means that you don't 100% think it is safe to,I don't think that it would be worth the risk.I'm not picky but I don't think that it is worth the risk.It could be safe,make you sick,give you a bad disease,or kill you and whoever eats it.I don't like those odds.Good luck with your choice.
I would not clean it nor eat it.An animal can be a carrier of rabies and not come down with it.Which means it just passes the illness without being ill it's self.
I would not take that kind of risk.
No way...! The risk is to great.I'm not one to waste food, but raccoons are nasty, diseased critters.Do you reaLly want to risk yours and families health for one meal...?Once that coon bite your bird, the germs and diseases flow. Throw the bird out.It is good to be frugal and thirify, but foolish to take risk like that...IMO
Personally, I wouldn't. I don't want to risk rabies. I heard you could cook it out if you cooked it fully, but I don't want to risk it.
Theres no way I would do that, takeing a chance with rabies & other things as well, I dont care what someone elese says, thats just plain & simple.
Huh. But...people do eat coons. You see people selling them by the side of the road down here.

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