Safeguard and Feather Damage While Molting

heres one till he gets back
Kinda resimbles a hershes kiss, i will call this a kissypoo

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@KsKingBee , where are those poop pictures?


I am so far behind! I finally got to the big city and got the new power supply cord! This last weekend was a grueling affair, we had a Ren-Faire to work selling honey and mead for two days. A lot of prep getting ready and putting things away after the weekend. We are still not done nor rested up. Had a bit of excitement on the way there, a pack rat built a nest on the engine compartment of the box van and caught on fire.
With the help of a couple of passersby's we got it out and towed to the mechanic. Didn't need that excitement or expense.

OK, pictures.

This is an adult poo three days into the worming, it appears to be a bit runny.

I found no worms in it.

This one was a bit loose too.

I found no worms in it either.

This pic is really for @DylansMom , this is one of the siblings I mentioned that has white crest feathers although it appears to be totally IB.

This is the sibling of the chick that died. There were three total that run with their mother and the entire flock free ranging. While I was taking photos this one pooed.

This is what I drug out of the poo. Two dead round worms. After checking many, many piles of poo over several days these are the only worms I found. Now I don't know if the birds were eating the dead worms or if there just weren't any.

What I do know for sure is that all the adult birds and these two chicks have received the proper amount of wormer and in this one chicks case worms have been killed.

I have started worming the grow out pen yesterday and todays search has not produced any worms. I will be watching closely and if I find any I will get you more pictures. The pre worming fecal exam found one round worm egg so at least one of the chicks has a worm. The vets want to do another fecal four days after the treatments, that will be tomorrow for the adults and next week for the chicks.
I get huge ones like that from non-broodies!

Mine usually only give kisses durning the daytime

What are you feeding them birds? i guess diet plays a key roll as to how poo looks my peas eat lots of grasses and seeds and they love to follow me when iam mowing so they can catch the green grass hoppers and crickets which they love as much as mill worms.
Yikes even though they are dead it scares me to see those. The year I wormed my peas once and then the next year wormed them and I saw what I believed to be worms in their poo, that is exactly what I saw is what is in your photos. I would find maybe 4 of those in a few different poops around the pen. Scared the crud out of me and I will never skip a worming again! On a regular worming routine (treatment before and after breeding season) I would never see that in the poop. It was only after skipping a worming that when I wormed again finally I noticed something in the poop. Now is probably time for me to worm my babies again actually, so I will look at the poo. Last time I wormed I did the 3 cc per gallon of water for 3 days then after 10 days I treated again. That is what I will do this time too. Previously I would just treat once and not repeat after 10 or so days. I also started putting the 3 cc in several very shallow water dishes and in some of the food.

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