Safeguard Mash - Zero Day Egg Withdrawal

I know this is an older thread, thought I would ask my question anyway.
I have a large flock of mixed aged chickens.
I have approx (80) 7 week old chicks, and approx 30 adult hens and one very happy rooster!

Everyone is together and free ranges.
Is it safe to use this mash with the chicks?
I have to worm the adults, as I have seen some poop with cecal worms. And I feel that if the adults have worms then the chicks most likely have them as well.
We have had a very wet, nasty few months here in South Texas.
I know this is an older thread, thought I would ask my question anyway.
I have a large flock of mixed aged chickens.
I have approx (80) 7 week old chicks, and approx 30 adult hens and one very happy rooster!

Everyone is together and free ranges.
Is it safe to use this mash with the chicks?
I have to worm the adults, as I have seen some poop with cecal worms. And I feel that if the adults have worms then the chicks most likely have them as well.
We have had a very wet, nasty few months here in South Texas.
Yes, safe for chicks this age.
Thank you. I started treatment today!
When you say mash, I am picturing slightly wet,but nothing like the consistency of fermented feed correct?
I worried I didn't wet it enough today, so I think I will make it more liquidy tommorow
I haven't done fermented feed, but I think good and wet would be best.
Thank you. I started treatment today!
When you say mash, I am picturing slightly wet,but nothing like the consistency of fermented feed correct?
I worried I didn't wet it enough today, so I think I will make it more liquidy tommorow

I found that if you let the mash sit a bit it continues to absorb the water and become drier. I keep adding water until it stops absorbing it but not so much as it has standing water.

I am on my 4th day of treatment. Is it normal to notice a huge increase in food intake?
I have been feeding them the mash in the morning, then after it's all gone I put back the feeders. Over the last two days I have noticed they are going through so much feed!

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