Safer Living Through Bribery

I yell "Here, Chick-chick-chick-chick-chickens!!!" and they come RUNNING!!!!!!! You should see my gat speckled Sussexes try to jump over Brahmas in a big stampede! Can't imagine it? In some movies, you know how the hero is running from a flood or something and it sloshes up the wall because it's going so fast? Well, replace the person with me and the H2O with chickies, and youve got the picture!
Good plan!
I use a plastic yogurt tub to feed BOSS to my chickens. I rattle the sunflower seed every time I go to treat them. They come running from all over.

Works for more than just chickens! My friend had a neighbor who raised steers. He fed grain out of a tin bucket and would hit a nail on the bucket everytime he went to feed them; tap tap tap. When they went through the fence and escaped, he would walk up the road with his bucket and nail, making noise until he found them. They would follow him home in a single line along the road and right into the cow yard to line up for their grain...
Here's my hubby's team at a heritage farm demonstration years ago, and he's 6'3" tall. John was very sweet, and Walker, not so much. They were both taller at the shoulder than I am!
They were Milking Shorthorns, about four years old in that picture. Steers get really big!
I yell "Here, Chick-chick-chick-chick-chickens!!!" and they come RUNNING!!!!!!! You should see my gat speckled Sussexes try to jump over Brahmas in a big stampede! Can't imagine it? In some movies, you know how the hero is running from a flood or something and it sloshes up the wall because it's going so fast? Well, replace the person with me and the H2O with chickies, and youve got the picture!
I'd love to see a video of that!
A few years ago I had a huge flock free ranging over quite a large area. I put some feed and scratch in a bowl and went out in the late afternoon and called them, banging on the bowl to let them know food has arrived. It was amazing seeing them come running and flying from all over to the run :) Chickens are VERY easy to train.

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