Sally's GF3 thread

The heat from the fire was intense. This is a piece of window glass, melted into a curve.

This picture is from the next day. Still smoldering, still smoking.

It was still smoking yesterday. Today, there are a couple of spots that are sending up wisps of smoke, but they don't show in pictures. Embers are still live under the ashes.
I totally do NOT get the "fire walk" thing. :confused::idunno

What do you accomplish, whether you "succeed" or "fail?" Is success not burning the bottoms of your feet? If you burn yourself -- and it could be a bad burn! -- what have you failed at?

No, I know the answer tho the last question: You failed at using common sense.

If I'm going to assert my mind over my body in some way, I'd like it to be something useful. Like overcoming a fear, or an addiction, or a loss. Something that, even if nobody else knows about it, I can say, yes, I did this, and it helps me to this day.
I read once that the fire walking is across a certain kind of stone that looks like hot coals and/or looks hot enough to burn skin but isn't really hot enough to do that. I don't really know.

I did burn the bottoms of my feet once walking across a fire, though, or ashes anyway. I wasn't trying to do the firewalking thing. I didn't realize the ashes in the middle of the burn pile spot would be so much hotter than the nicely warm ashes of the edge. Young and stupid. Thankfully, it wasn't more than 1st or barely second degree burns.
I did burn the bottoms of my feet once walking across a fire, though, or ashes anyway. I wasn't trying to do the firewalking thing. I didn't realize the ashes in the middle of the burn pile spot would be so much hotter than the nicely warm ashes of the edge. Young and stupid. Thankfully, it wasn't more than 1st or barely second degree burns.

Once my dad dumped out the hot ashes/coals from the barbeque at the edge of the yard into some damp leaves and sand. No fire, but my brother, who was about 2 at the time, walked through them when he was chasing after the dog. 🤦‍♀️
My "neighbor with too many chickens" has 4 that have become feral chickens at large. They do not "go home" at night. Nobobdy knows where they go at night. Raccoons might figure that out. Or one of the feral cats in the area. Or they might freeze to death in a couple months. They aren't very big, and I think they're about 18-20 weeks old. Maybe 24.

Unless someone can find them in the dark, they probably won't be caught. Those girls are fast and skittish. They have lost the concept of "chicken food comes from humans," and now food won't be an enticement. They mostly eat the wild bird food spilled on the ground at the other neighbor's house.

I feel bad about feeling so callous about them.
I'm sure a combined effort to capture them would succeed.
When temps drop, and food gets scarce, that would make capture easier. I think if they were set with a flock, in a run, they would homeset into that coop.
I have many ideas on how to do it. First to come to mind,, is a smelt gill net on the ground. Pour seeds into middle. Have a setup where there is an overhead source of tying a rope. When they are eating,,,,,,, pull rope up. I have other ideas up my sleeve :old
When temps drop, and food gets scarce, that would make capture easier. I think if they were set with a flock, in a run, they would homeset into that coop.
They started out with a flock. I think my neighbor got them as chicks for a broody hen. Somehow they got out. There are a few others that roam, but go home at night. These four don't. They are their own flock now.

The neighbor boy has gone out with IR glasses to look for them, and not found them. I don't know if he knows to look up, and see if they're roosting in a tree. I think he has written them off as a lost cause. They aren't feeding them, the chickens aren't laying eggs yet (their combs and wattles don't look big enough for me to say, yeah, they are or are close).

They have so many chickens -- 34? 36? -- that these girls just don't matter, I guess. Yeah, that's sad.

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