Salmon Faverolle roo??


9 Years
Feb 27, 2010
Southern Illinois
8 week old ordered 6 "pullets" This one is getting darker and darker. Is he/she still a badly marked one or turning roo, its an awful lot of black coming in




That's a pullet, a badly colored one, but still a pullet. Looks a lot like many other salmon fav girls I've seen from Ideal.
Ok so still a badly colored pullet, I am ok with it as I ordered all pullets and think the color is pretty. Of the 6 I have they all range from no black to some black and some nicely colored

My birds came from Estes hatchery.

So I have the same question, (problem?), I am not sure if my Faverolle is a hen or roo. I purchased "Sweet Pea" at a local feed store and think they were sexed pullets, but it is getting really dark and I am worried. I feel a little better with the other responses. "Her" feathers are more hen shaped, but this bird is only about 6+ weeks old. (The other two are a barred rock and americana)
It's a pullet - just a really, really, really poorly colored one. Just look at that precious little girl face. Almost hurts to look at pics of Faverolles, I miss my girl so bad. Fav's are just some of the best birds you can have.

This is a VERY common problem with hatchery stock Faverolles.
I wish I knew someone locally that sold these birds and didn't have to rely upon my local feed store...I would love to get some quality Fav's...I love this little one, but wish she was more typical of her breed.

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