Salpingitis Question Is My Flock at Risk?


Dec 26, 2020
Southern NH
My 4 year old Red Star has Salpingitis. Her shell gland never worked properly. Sometimes it looked like there was a seam around the middle or she laid soft eggs no matter how much calcium I gave her.

She hasn't laid an egg this Spring and I was hoping for Henopause. I did give her a course of ABX a few weeks ago because she seemed slightly off and I was hoping to prevent this from happening.

She has been noticeably off for a couple of days and I saw my first tiny lash egg come out of her. A nearby hen tried to grab it. So I don't know if other small lash eggs have come out and I didn't see them or one of the other girls ate it. eewww

I was reading about Salpingitis earlier and noticed the article implied it could be contagious. I don't know if Rosie's is viral or bacterial. I'm assuming bacterial from the egg material build up.

If it's contagious the others have been exposed.

Has anyone had this spread through their flock?

Or is possibly the viral version more contagious?

Is there anything besides ABX I should give the other chickens?

Please add in anything I should be asking but didn't.
Salpingitis itself is not contagious, but the cause of it could be. Lash eggs, which are a buildup of pus caused by salpingitis, are usually infectious and contagious. If your chickens ate some of that lash egg, then I would assume they would get the infection that caused it in the first place. That isn't a death sentence, but a good course of antibiotics is definitely needed.
Thank you for responding! I have 5 that could potentially be at risk.
I haven't seen them eat them but it's possible.

I guess everyone is getting a round of ABX just to be sure. :(
Update since I'm now planning a deep disinfecting of the coop and run before my new girls go out.

Everyone got a round of ABX. Several had a little bit of a doughy crop before ABX. Then a lot of probiotics to balance them out.

Several still had doughy crop and some diarrhea.

I found this great article that also had a section on doughy crop:

Since the ACS could fix several problems including e coli everyone is on day 7 of a 7 to 10 days course in their water.

From Article:
"I have had a few cases of Doughy crop that were so stubborn, Acidified Copper Sulfate was the only thing that got them moving. The interesting thing about ACS is that it will take care of an over growth of not only yeast, but E.coli, Cocci, Vent Gleet and Canker as well, all of which can gum a crop right up."

However, one of my Wyandotte's now has vent prolapse. While treating it yesterday she pooped out some lash material and she was one of the ones who tired to eat the lash I saw come out of Rosie. So she definitely has it. The other two seem to have improvement in crop and diarrhea.

I just feel like I have had a lot of hens with reproductive issues. I expected it with the older hens. but not with the 4 that are under 2 years old.

I just want my new ones to get the best and healthiest start possible. I'm literally willing to go scorched earth to make that happen. :lau

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