Salt will Kill a chicken??


In the Brooder
9 Years
Feb 27, 2010
I just found out salt is poison to my chickens.
I been feeding my chickens 2 cups of oatmeal and 2 Tablespoons salt when they get up on the wrong side of the bed and start picking on another chicken. None have never died and it always worked .I got this recipe from and old timer that raised chickens. The only time I lost a chicken was by an old coon. So does the salt kill the chicken or what does it do to the chicken that I am not aware of?
Well, you would have to feed a chicken an awful lot of salt to kill it. I would definitely stop feeding them the salt mixed in with the oatmeal, but I'm betting you didn't harm them. You did hear right.....excessive salt is deadly, so as a rule, don't give your chickens really salty table scraps--you know, things like cured meats, like bacon, or ham scraps, salty leftover chips and things of that nature.

Don't be too hard on yourself! There's alot to learn about chickens--I think I learn something new every day!

Take care!
Thanks for the response, I thought I might of harmed them but they seemed so healthy. They have not been cranky since I traded roosters. This rooster seems like they like him and he has not attacked me yet.
I was taught you never give chickens anything that has fat in it.....including grease or oil....... I don't eat chips because they are crap.... therefore I would never feed them to my chickens either.....

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