Same Birds + New Coop =Third World War


In the Brooder
Nov 12, 2015
Bowersville, Ohio
Newbie here out of desperation. Spent gobs of time and money on a giant new coop. Moved everyone in yesterday, tickled to death, and the birds have lost their fool minds. I feel completely ignorant when I thought I was on top of my game.

No new birds, and everyone's been together since day one, literally. My gentle giant, a BuffOrp roo, is beating everyone up. Submissive birds won't eat, even though there's dang near a week's worth of food in there in efforts to reduce problems.

It is vicious and vile in there, and I'm embarrassed to say I'm a little nervous being in with them.

Did I do something wrong? Normal? Timeframe to peace? Intervene? How? Amount of Advil I should immediately ingest?

Thanks in advance.
Can you separate the aggressive ones until the others have gotten more comfortable and confident in the new coop? They may just be figuring things out and settle down quickly. Maybe set up different feeding stations scattered around so they can avoid the bossy ones but get something to eat.

Also welcome to BYC!
Thanks. :) Frankly, I think I've jumped the gun; just back from checking on them, and they seem to be relaxing a bit. My shock factor was the big walking Prosac of a rooster turning nasty towards his girls. Not sure what that's all about?

As far as separating aggressive ones, I could, but wouldn't that present the same issue when I reintroduce? The current turds were charmers yesterday. Confusing. I only have one semi-aggressive hen that I keep an eye on, and she's just going about her business, avoiding the drama. Doubly shocking.

I have two waterers and food in five places, not including several big, whole pumpkins and squash laying around. I thought I'd covered all my bases to the point of overkill. *Follow the rules, birds!* Maybe I just had big expectations of this being a smooth transition if I over-prepared.

Everything's topsy turvy.

Now can I ask a ridiculous question? I know these birds like the back of my hand as far as personality, and now they're all doing a (temporary?) 360. Are they going to take my face off if I try to hang out with them as usual? Should I just let them do their chicken thing for a few days before harassing them? There's crazy stuff going on in there and I feel like they're not my birds anymore! Shamelessly chased a loose, 500 pound boar this morning and laughed the entire time, but leery of the teensy mess, I am.
Chickens can become kinda crazy when introduced to new places, they should settle down soon though. I have an awesome rooster who is super sweet with me and his hens but when we sold our turkeys and moved the chickens to a new spot he went kinda crazy for a few days, attacking our dogs and pulling feathers from his girls which he had NEVER done before. Now he is completely back to his normal sweet self so I think he just lost his head when they were moved LOL. So yours should settle down I'd say.

I know how you feel about them being crazy though, I chase our cows without being scared but used to be terrified of being pecked by a little tiny bantam rooster who was about pigeon-size!
It's funny now that I think about it years later.

Now I'm used to their behavior changes but I still don't trust other peoples roosters, they are too unpredictable.

The thing to remember about chickens is, they don't do change well. Whether it's a new coop, new flock mates or a sudden change in weather, it can throw them for a loop. Doesn't take much sometimes. They'll be fine in a few days or so.
Lozuufy, you're my people! lol Thanks.

The only funny in all of this, is the little Serama rooster is working his tail off to keep the peace. BuffOrp roo goes on the attack, (yup, tons of feather pulling and general ugliness), and after a minute or two, the bantee rattles his chain and it stops for a bit. Huh-larious. A good 6-8 pound difference, and little man means business. I call him Joe Pesci.

I guess it's a waiting game. :/
Wow, he's a handsome rooster! I've never had a buff orpington rooster before, just buff hens, maybe the next rooster I get will be a buff, cause that color is so amazing! Glad he seems settled down.

LOL the little roosters don't ever know they are small, it's funny picturing a tiny banty bossing around a big rooster.

Thanks, I luff him. He's so mellow, (was!), I thought it was a hen until a month or so ago. They are nice birds. Not knowing what I wanted to raise, I brought home buff orps, black australorps, RIR's, SLW's, amberlinks, isa browns, seramas, and barred rocks. The buffs are a favorite, second only to the australorps.

The size difference between the two roos is ridiculous, but yup, little man prevails. Wish I had half of his umpf!

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