I know age old question who layed the egg.
Mildred is a rir or producting red was/is due to lay today but the brown egg I got doesn't fit her norm. The egg pictured on the left is slightly larger, has no speckles and was laid in box 2 instead of mildred's preferance box 1, no one else layed at that time for her to have chosen a different box and she is currently head hen and gets her box anyways. Mildred's egg from 2 days ago is on the right. They are very close in color but the overall look is throwing me off. The only other one I'm waiting on is black betty she's a black astrolorp. My other 2 layers have nice light tan almost pink eggs and I have caught them both in the process of laying. I have 2 others that are only about 12 weeks and to young to lay.
I'm currently watching just in case this egg isn't mildred's as she is laying 2 eggs with 1 day off right now and she took yesterday off.
But what do you think? Is the egg on the left similar enough to be mildred's or different enough to be betty's
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