San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

The top picture was taken this morning of one of my children taking out the Pekin ducks. Below that picture are how they looked like just weeks ago. These babies grow fast!
I cant go to the meetup.... Moms 80th birthday is this weekend. ...

Looks like its going to be a good one too.

deb "Whose computer is barely working this morning"

We have Buff Orpington chicks, Buff Orpington fertile eggs for hatching and a "barn yard" mix chicks (Buff Orpington / New Jersey Giant) for sale or trade.

Buff Orpington Hatching Eggs, fertile; $2 each.
3 Buff Orpington, 1 Day Old; straight run; $6 each; hatched 3/1/14.
3 Large Breed Barn Yard Mix, 1 Day Old; straight run; $5 each; hatched 3/1/14.
7 Large Breed Barn Yard Mix, 1 Week Old; straight run; $8 each; hatched 2/22/14
7 Large Breed Barn Yard Mix, 2 Weeks Old; straight run; $10 each; hatched 2/15/14
3 Large Breed Barn Yard Mix, 3 Weeks Old; straight run; $12 each; hatched 2/8/14
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Woo Hoo good news....

Today was kind of pay day for me .... I went to Cathryns to pay my bill and bought a shirt for a little less than the Cathryns card bill... I am sooo bad.. Then I went up to the feed store and prepaid for ten bales of hay and delivery.... Its so nice to have the truck running.

Walking around with the crutches is sooo much eaiser than the walker.... It gets my center of gravity over my feet. I wont replace the walker for a while....

Went to food for less to buy groceries for Moms Birthday dinner tomorrow. She wants fried oysters... So dinner is going to be an adventure because Grandma doesnt do fish of any kind except blackened Catfish... And the occasional Fish stick or Breaded deep fried shrimp. So I am going to blacken some Tilapia for her. I have some Ocra too that I am going to cook up.

I tried to call mom around two to ask her a question and the answering machine picked up too quickly .... So After the grocery store I tried agein. No answer... so because I was worried about her I called Grandma.... first thing she said was "Where ... Have you been..." I thought Uh oh my stommach dropped. Then grandma said "We have to go get my car" It took a moment for that to sink in she said the Cops caught the guy in the next town over.... In Lakeside. And we needed to get the car out of impound.

Who ever stole the car was hit with a stupid stick a couple of times.... He took Grandmas plates off and exchanged them for another set that were from .... wait for it..... another stolen car....

So Mom was there at Grandmas house waiting for me to drive them both to the impound yard. Grandma had to go to sign for the car and bring all the paperwork. By the time we were through the paperwork and paying the impound fees we realized we couldnt drive it without License plates.... So we scurried off to get new ones.... one of those satellite shops that sells tags registrations transfers... etc. We were in and out of there in about fifteen minutes. new plates and registration and tags cost a whoppin 45 bucks. Whew....

When I got the keys for the car and looked INside I was stunned. It was as if someone had taken a beautiful heart out of it and transferred a diseased on... Oh the seats and all the mechanics were fine... but they had ripped off the dash cover without even trying to unfasten it with the velcro.... The floor mats were gone ... everywhere there were grease blobs... All the compartments were emptied and filled with their own personal ___ um er crap.... Garage door opener gone Handicapped mirror tag gone walker gone briefcase gone..... The trunk had been cleared out and filled with a Mans jacket firewood and a good strong hand truck. And a babbie with a muffen in it. The back seat has a pile of greasy tools and electronics.... INcluding one of those tools to break out windows incase you drive it off into a lake.... (car theft tools) Oh and they smoked in it there were ashes everywhere.... and stink. Just two weeks and it smelled like someone elses car.... Oh and they had stuck one of those holders for a radar detector on the window....

Soo glad to have it back.... But it needs Serious detailing inside....

Yay for getting it back deb!

When the rents were given a truck for free we had to clean it out with one those industrial vacuums (the strap on the back kind) to get all the ash out. After that, I covered all the upholstery with tons of baking soda. Left it like that for two days before vacumming all that out and washing everything inside with some more baking soda (made it into a paste and scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed!) then we washed the windows and any sort of hard surfaces with vinegar and left a tub of vinegar in there for a few days. Ended up not smelling by the time we were done with it all.


College has been alright so far. Got a B on my first exam in Biology and another B in Sociology, but I'm really striving for those A's since I know that Algebra is going to bite me in the butt and land me with a C, so I most definitely need those A's to bring up the overall average. Nothing out of the usual with social life currently, still a shut in with my blog about chickens and trying to clock in more hours at the gym. Some sad news over here - turns out I'm heading to Vegas for a funeral tomorrow, so, I'll be a hotel shut in while I try to cram in a few more hours of studying.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend.

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