San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

I'm so glad I put the youngsters in the coop last night - it was cold! BUT I had sent my hubs to but some plastic sheeting to put over the coop windows to act as shutters to keep out wind AND light. That's what I was thinking, but he apparently was not, because he came home with CLEAR plastic. Sigh. I guess he can't read my mind. I love him, but sometimes he doesn't think things through. We put them up anyway (velcro! how's that for jury-rigging?). I'm going to work now before sunrise and my hubby will let the chickens out later. Hopefully there will be no fighting.
Did you replace their regular feed with the high protein feed or did you give it as a snack or in separate feed container? I think I may pick some up this morning.

We've had to separate our coop/run into 3 sections. One for the picker, one for the bloody butt so she can heal in peace, and one for the other three hens. Hopefully the three together will be ok.
Did you replace their regular feed with the high protein feed or did you give it as a snack or in separate feed container? I think I may pick some up this morning.

We've had to separate our coop/run into 3 sections. One for the picker, one for the bloody butt so she can heal in peace, and one for the other three hens. Hopefully the three together will be ok.

I just gave the 27% to all the birds until the bag was gone. They all loved it and I think they benefited from it. I will definitely get some more this WE and maybe alternate it with regular feed, especially as it is molting season and the protein is needed. What surprised me was it was only a few $ more than the regular feed but it was tricky to find.
I've also been giving my EE's higher protein feed, since they are in with the turkeys they just get the turkey feed. I think it's helping with the egg eaters too. Turkey/ gamebird starter feed should be pretty easy to find and should range from 27-30% protein. It is a few more dollars per bag though. And I wouldn't feed it long term. That much protein over a really long time can hurt the chickens kidneys. A few bags is fine though.
the chickens are angry at me,we ran out of scratch a few days ago.i told them to hold onto their feathers its coming.impatient things they are.just expect me to jump when they say so.geez.

I just got some turkey starter at Double S Tack and Feed on Old Hwy 80. She had some that she had portioned out into smaller baggies, though I think she does also have regular size bags. I scattered some on the ground, like I do with the scratch, so that the hens can keep busy and get protein at the same time. I also bought a flock block, but I am not sure if that is the right thing right now. Gave them some scrambled egg earlier too. They didn't go crazy for it, but they ate it. Slathered on some pick no more and am hoping for the best.

Thanks for all the advice

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