San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

My girls have worms!!!!!

What's the cheapest, easiest way to murder those little life stealers? I looked at the droppings. Looks like tapeworm.

I've heard spicy stuff, like cyan pepper in their water or feed, gets rid of them. Apparently the chickens can't feel the spice but the worms can.
That's just something I've read online a few places, maybe someone else knows something better
from what i understand wazine only gets rid of round worms, i use ivermectin and i have never seen worms or external parasites. and i do check the pop occasionally lol, whew broody poop blucky:/
there is lots of good info on here about different types of dewormers, a bottle of pour on ivermectin lasts a looong time
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With tapes I'd go straight to Zimectrin Gold horse dewormer. Copied from Jim (Dawg53, resident BYC dewormer expert): "Praziquantel can be used to treat chickens for tapeworms. Here's a link regarding Zimectrin Gold, an equine paste wormer that you can dose your chickens for tapeworms.

Dosage is a "pea" sized amount given orally to each standard size chicken. For smaller chickens, dosage is a "small pea" size or "BB" size amount given to each chicken. Since z-gold is a paste, it might be best to put the pea size amount on a piece of bread and give each chicken a piece of the medicated bread. Ensure you seperate your birds or they will steal the bread from each other and they could possibly overdose. Repeat dosing in 10 days.

Birds may wipe their beaks on the ground after dosing them, that's normal.
Soooo Yesterday was kinda strange. I went out to let the chickens out of my back pen and. There was an extra chicken!! I have no idea where she came from. I don't even know what kind of chicken she is. She looks like a dark Cornish but she has yellow legs. I think I am going to stock my neighbors yards and see if anyone has chickens. She is happily staying here it seems and the other girls arn't picking on her either. So weird!!
Hey everyone, we're selling our white ameraucanas. There's one male and three females, we're selling them all for $75, or if there's no takers we will sell the females for 25 each. Their laying well, and are under 1 year old. Pm If interested thanks!

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