sand for coop floors


In the Brooder
12 Years
Mar 15, 2007
i asked the question about what type sand was best for the floors a week or so ago and was told "washed" sand was best.i contacted the local sand yard and they have three types of washed sand.fine, medium and course.they called the course sand, concrete sand.whats my best option, sand fans?
Blake, all of the different sand types will work ok. The concrete sand will have the larger stones in it. Chickens will use any of the smaller stones for grit. They will choose the ones they like. It's up to you to decide which one you like best, prolly course or medium.

If they aren't to far away stop by and check out the different sizes so you know what your buying. I'm sure they would be happy to show you. Good Luck.

Just My opinion as a contractor and a Chicken-a-holic. I'd use the Medium .The fine is just that...too fine for grit and the course will have too much big particles that wouldn't be good for your chickens. Just My opinion of course. Hope that helped
I just got 20 bags of free sand for the coop. I'm pretty sure it's enough, but unfortunately the sand got wet! Every bag is soaked through.

Do you think it's bad to add to the coop now?
Well, I may be able to. What I was thinking too, was that I may be able to add one bag at a time, spread it out and let it dry out. That may take forever though. Blah.
This may sound weird, but as long as it's not raining you could spread a bunch out on a sheet of plywood or sidewalk/driveway, and let the sun dry it, then sweep it up. I've done it before to use in a sandblaster, it works.
I've added wet sand to the coop (a 12'x24' building) and it dried out within two days. The chickens scratched around in it a lot which helped speed up the drying out process.

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