Sand questions, for run floor


13 Years
Jan 29, 2011
Niles, MI
I am rethinking my run floor. Coop is deep litter method, which works so great, but my run, I have alfafa hay, and now I have flies like you don't even know. this post isn't about the flies though.

I am thinking about sand. Tell me your success stories when using sand. How deep? Where did you get it, what type is it? Anything I need to know that could be dangerous to my flock as far as sand goes?

We have an additional coop and run that isn't quite finished yet, so want to do it right right off the bat plus change out the current run to sand, if that's the best idea.

thank you!
I have sand (play sand, Tractor Supply) in both run and coop (both are 4X8) and really like it. There was a long thread on the subject not that long ago (got sand? I think was the title) It's very easy to maintain and I easily mix DE into it to keep down flies etc. I just use a kitty litter scoop in the coop to get out the big stuff (it stands off the ground). I've found that I don't need to clean as often because the sand wicks the moisture out of the poops pretty quickly. Now, I may rethink this for the coop when winter comes, but for summer, it can't be beat.
I've got sand and love it so far! I put pine shavings in the nesting box, but the coop floor and the run are sand. I do have gravel under the sand in the run. Right now I fear we need more sand in the run, would imagine 3-4 inches would be best but there are folks with more experience than I who may weigh in with different thoughts.

I just started using Sweet PDZ to keep odor away and it seems to help, there are threads that talk to adding DE, Sweet PDZ and Stall Dry, search on any of those to get details!
I have just started using sand in my run. I did have only dirt and a mixture of pine straw, leaves and top soil, which they love to dig in too. I noticed since I'm adding sand in the run, it does not have as many flies. I am hauling sand from my own property a wheel barrel full at a time. Its a slow process, but my peeps love to dig down the pile of sand. They do a wonderful grading job for me! I still have the pine shavings, using the deep liter method in the coop. My peeps love the pine shavings, they have had since they were baby chicks...
We bought a truck load for $128.00. I have sanded 3/4ths of the run and when I need more I move it with a tractor. Sand makes keeping up the run easy, just rake it every now and then.
$128 for a truck load of sand? Seems like a lot. What size truck? We paid $22 for a yard and it filled 1/2 of our pick ups 8ft bed. Maybe you got playground grade sand? We got construction grade and it works just fine!
Thanks all. I found the "Got Sand?" thread.

Another question..

Do you think I need to completely clean out the alfalfa hay or could I put the sand right on top of it?
I have a 4'X8' run that is 9" deep with $33/yd. concrete sand. It's great in the summer. Stays dry. I don't bother raking or scooping because i turn the sand every 2 weeks. It's real easy and keeps the sand loose so the ladies can dig lots of holes and take dust baths. No smell either.
personally I'd get rid of the hay, otherwise it'll just compost in with the sand. And it'll still provide a breeding ground for flies. But perhaps that's a question to ask one of those "get sand" experts. That thread was what convinced me to go with sand though...

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