Sand, shavings and DE


11 Years
Oct 5, 2008
Hope Mills, NC
We live in a not so well drained yard and my chickens have a coop that touches the ground, no floor. Should I use sand, shavings or straw in it and what is DE? Also, what about in the run. How much sand for a coop that is 4x4?
I personally wouldn't use sand in the winter, straw or pine shavings would be best. Does the floor get wet? DE is diatomacious earth aka fossil flour not sure if i spelled it right, it helps keep the coop dry and not so smelly and also helps keep mites at bay.
Could you dig a small trench around your coop and direct any water away from the coop. Straw will mildew if it gets wet. So will the shavings, and then you would have to change either anytime it gets wet. We have shavings inside the coops and straw in the run outside.
I want to put a layer of sand in the run to help with the mud as well. I've slipped too much and the chickens get pretty dirty as well. In the coop we have pine shaving and DE the run now is just Colorado dirt and I sprinkel DE as needed.

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