Sanford, NC family fined $1300 day for chickens!Update She Found US!!!

No, but I suggested that they watch the results in my email. Send 'em an email letting them know you support city chicken keepin! That will help!!

[email protected]

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I just voted yes (Y = 86.1, N= 13.9) and also emailed a short letter to the city as well.

I am writing to you from Minnesota urging you to, as a city, to consider allowing chicken coops on residential properties. I am a new chicken owner to 9 beautiful chickens this spring. I cannot tell you the joy and education my children have had in these short 2 months. They are not sitting in front of the TV or computer - they are outside, enjoying these wondrous animals who will soon produce eggs for our family and provide enough for our friends and families as well. They are females so they are not noisy. Their coop is sanitary and does not smell or look unsightly. Please reconsider for this family and the others who may also benefit from raising these great animals. Thank you for your time.
where do u vote?? that is sooo dumb!!!! she lives on a lot of property.. i couldnt even see any neighbors in the video! why would the city complain! dumb dumb dumb.. ugh.. that urrks me! lame. i feel so bad for her.

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