Sanford, NC family fined $1300 day for chickens!Update She Found US!!!

* Hey, Alex, just wondering if you made coop and run size/materials recommendations in your ordinance proposal at all. Maybe it's not so much the chickens that they are worried about as it is the chicken's quarters that people might build??? Just a thought.
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Good morning everyone!

First off, I've been trying to do my part to help my posting the links each morning and keeping this thread alive. I hope it's working.
I'm going to have to pass the torch onto someone else starting tomorrow, though, because my DH and I are taking him for Crohn's surgery in another state. We'll be gone for a week, and I can't guarantee that I'll be able to dedicate my time to this thread like I'd like to. So if we can have a few volunteers to keep posting in this thread and keep it alive with updates it won't just be on the OP Alex to do (and she has a lot on her plate right now, it seems). If you want to volunteer (and there can certainly be more than one), just post that you'll help.

Here's today's updates...

Things to do today...

Well, there are TWO news stories about Alex and her chickens today. Yes, you can vote for BOTH to be the top stories of the day. If you already voted, be aware that the vote gets reset each day and you need to vote again.

(1) Vote for her original story on WRAL (their local news) to make it the top story of the day:

(2) Here's the link to the follow-up story. Vote to make it the story of the day! Don't forget to leave comments.

Vote for her iReport on to get it some national news attention:
**This report has been viewed ***78*** times... It doesn't matter who watches it; it just needs to get attention. The top-viewed iReports (the ones that end up on CNN) have about 1,000 hits. We have 12,000 members. We need clicks to get CNN's attention! Send it to friends, to family, post it on Facebook or MySpace groups you're involved with -- get them to click on it! Only individual IP addresses count (this means one view per person -- every computer has an IP address) so we have to have individual computers looking this up. If you have more than one computer in your house connected to the internet, view it from more than one place and it will add numbers.***

If I post in this thread at all next week, it will be from Cleveland Clinic. Good luck, everyone!

(4) E-mail the Sanford City Council with your thoughts about why chickens make great pets (keep it civil and educated): [email protected] ***Thank you if you have already done this.***
Thank you Chicken Lady. You have really helped this cause. Your work has helped everyone, thank you along with everyone else that has posted here.
I was born and raised in Grand Haven, Michigan. (Surprise!!) I've lived in North Carolina for the last 24 years of my life. I'm 45 now.
I've found that things don't change much here in NC. It's "conservative" because that's what the people vote for. Anything different causes an uproar.

For the last 10 years most people here just mind there own business and shop at Wal-Mart.

That said, I do love the laid back lifestyle, beautiful weather, and friendly peeps.

One of the things I saw on the message boards (WRAL) is telling Alex to go back North. That's how these people think here. "How dare you make waves!" they say. Statistics say that there are more people moving to NC than most other states because of jobs and low taxes. That means these narrow minded people in office...their days are numbered.

I'll help Alex all I can but until these weenies in office are replaced it's gonna be an uphill battle.

You see the polls...they don't mind her chickens!
Betcha at least one of those jackarses in office is eating a chicken egg right now.
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Lazy J Farms Feed & Hay :

Why should they speak with you? You are not one of their constituents and do not own property or contribute to the tax rolls in Sanford.


2 things come to mind...

1 - It never can hurt to try to call, and;

2 - I have over 60,000 relations not far from Sanford (on the reservation in Cherokee)...maybe we could have an invasion
Just kidding about invading but serious about giving a shot to call.

From the tone of their office staff, I was not the only one calling. hahahahaha​
I got replies to both my emails this morning. I didn't think that they were going to reply back, but they did.

Your email has been received and will be given to the Council on Wednesday, July 9th at the Law & Finance meeting.


If all our emails are going to be given to the city council on July 9th, they are going to have a heck of a long meeting!

Don't be disappointed if all the e-mails and letters from non-constituents are filed in the Circular File. The City Council, Mayor, and City Manager have ABSOLUTELY NO responsibility to respond to or address any items brought forth by people who are not residents of the city in question.

Lazy J Farms Feed & Hay :

Don't be disappointed if all the e-mails and letters from non-constituents are filed in the Circular File. The City Council, Mayor, and City Manager have ABSOLUTELY NO responsibility to respond to or address any items brought forth by people who are not residents of the city in question.


That's why when I wrote my emails I didn't specify where I lived. I wanted them to seriously consider my emails. I live near Sanford, but either way, I didn't specify and maybe if more people were vague on their location the city council would have more to consider.

Call me dumb, but I cant figure out how to "vote" for her ireport...all I cna see is where I can rate it with stars. Am I missing something?

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