Sanitize eggs ?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 18, 2009
I have just finished watching a u-tube video about incubating and the guy says he sanitizes his eggs, what would you use to do that? Does any body here do that?
There was a rather lengthy thread one here a week or so ago on this subject. It is a recurring theme. In the end, some do, some don't. Commercial operations do.
There are different matter of opinion on this. I try to choose only the cleanest eggs for hatching.

Now I did have a broody hen have some eggs get dirty and I wiped them with a wet paper towel and put them back under her and she hatched sucessfully 4 out the six.
Hi Folks
Oxin is a very good disinfectant and it will not hurt the egg. I hatch out about 10,000 chicks a month and we use this because
it will kill most anything on the egg. It will not hurt the egg to be washed as long as you don't try scubing real hard if it is that
dirty don't use it for hatching. Most commercial hatcherys have to use some knid of disinfectant to help with salmonela and other
viruses. I hope this helps. Thank you John
10,000 chicks a month...
That's a whole lotta fuzzy butts!!

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