Saved 3 Dyed Chicks - Now What?????!!!!!!!!!

Good save with the chicks.
VChick lives in England and Kitsune...I think one's near Cornwall and the other's more Northeast...
You can go to the Where Are You section and take a peek...
Kudos to you too for saving these little peeps!

Are they drinking water OK?
Thanks Alot Everyone.
In A few minutes im off to the store to buy the essentials my chicks need!
I was concerned about them not eating yesterday, but i put some chicken starter out of the feeder, and 'two' of them are eating!
Now, those two, from doing that are eating fine from the feeder.
But The Last green coloured chick of mine, is not interested.
Ive tried to do everything to get it eating, but it just wont.

It doesnt seem to have 'pasty butt'.
I might consider calling the vet, or my friend again to come round and check it over.
He does spend alot of time huddled on the warm side of the shoebox, where the lamp is shining down on, and when i come over, just loves to be snuggled up to me, which i find adorable!
Does This Mean, it's too cold? But the other chicks seem fine.

What else could be causing this problem?
The Poor Thing can't not eat, forever....

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