Saying Hi!! from Indianapolis


Nov 24, 2015
Just wanted to stop in and say Hi. Right now, my wife and I are looking to move out of our neighborhood and into a house with at least a 1/2 acre of land so that we can start our own garden and food supply. For the time being, I came here looking for information on how to raise chickens for when we do move out.

I am also in need of around five white or brown egg laying chickens as Christmas Gifts for my sister and brother in laws. I have already obtained permission from their parents and they previously raised ducks. I'm just not sure where to find a place that would have around five hens in time for Christmas. Any help would be appreciated.

If you would like to 'meet' other members from Indiana, you can find them here:

Thanks for joining us, I hope you find your new home soon!
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. Definitely post on the Indiana link that NorthFlChick left with you. If you haven't done so already, definitely check out our Learning Center at There is lots of useful information there. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck in finding your hens.
Welcome to BYC! So you are looking for coop ready/already laying birds for the gifts or are you wanting to obtain chicks of white and brown laying breeds for them to raise?
I'm looking for chicks of white or brown laying breeds for them to raise.  

Hello I'm one of the members on the Indiana thread that was posted above.. There are a couple of use that have chicks ATM is there any certain breed your interested in? Are you fully equipped to raise chicks? (Have brooder set up in temperature controlled area where preditors can't get to the?) and how far are you willing to travel and what's your price range? If you want hens only age is a requirement or auto sexing I probably can help with all where are you located?
We are willing to travel throughout Indiana. We aren't set on an exact breed. We mainly want 4 or 5 hens that will be egg layers and are trying to avoid getting a male. We have a small setup right now that will be free from predators and will be gifting this set of chickens to my in-laws and their children. We are actually getting ready to leave and check out some chicks at 2pm and have read up on sexing them. If for some reason this doesn't work out, we would be willing to meet.

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