SC xed with RC = What kind of comb?


Hatching and Showing
13 Years
Oct 10, 2007
I have some hens with Single Combs, but I would like to get this particular rooster that has a Rose Comb. Would I really mess up the genetics of the chicks, or would they have a pure SC or RC, and no strange cross?
I am NOT an expert at this, but I know that Wyandottes can have either a rose comb, or single comb and crossing the two doesn't create anything too strange. I also know that some breeders of rose combed birds (like Wyandottes) will breed in a single comb occasionally because it improves fertility.

Hope this helps!!
Single comb is recessive, so crossing a pure rc (no sc gene) with a sc (2 copies) will produce rc birds het for sc.
Thanks for the replies

I think I am going to get this RC rooster for my SC hens, and just see what happens

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