Scabs/spots on her face

Thank for sharing this information. I got a tip from one of the guys at the store where I bought the birds and he recommended an over the counter ointment just to help prevent them from getting nasty. I'll look at her in the morning and decide whether or not it seemed to help. Again, thank you!
Some people recommend dabbing betadine on the scabs to dry them up, but even that is not necessary. If any scabs are located near the eyes, you can apply a dab of plain Neosporin or Triple Antibiotic Ointment into the eye to prevent a secondary infection.
Some people recommend dabbing betadine on the scabs to dry them up, but even that is not necessary. If any scabs are located near the eyes, you can apply a dab of plain Neosporin or Triple Antibiotic Ointment into the eye to prevent a secondary infection.
Good to know. I'll try to keep the intervention to a bare minimum, but will pay careful attention to her eyes.

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