Scaly Leg Mites - Need Best / Easiest / Quickest Solution - Scaley

Good Day,
I have had some chooks with scaly legs like your hens are and I have found there are two effective treatments. The first one is pharmeceutical, which we also use for foot rot in sheep and that is Oxytetracycline Hydrochroride, brand name Engemycin, which comes in an aerosol can from a vet. Downside is that it makes their feet a bright greeny/blue for a while!! Essentially it is an anti-biotic.
The other remedy is either Kerosene or Pure Turpentine (not substitute) mixed with three parts linseed oil. This is applied to the affected feet and perches about once every three days or so.
Also, if any of your birds get Gape Worm, then dip a mid-flight feather in Pure Turpentine and offer it down the throat; this will eliminate the worm in short order. Best to handle the birds at night when they are roosting, as this way they do not become stressed.

Good Luck,
update on my birds, the grapeseed oil with tea tree oil added made a great improvement in their legs however I do not feel they are improved enough even with repeated applications and warm soaks in epsom salts. PLEASE SOMEONE TELL ME WHERE TO BUY NU STOCK. I want to try it before I give up and go a more conventional way.
update on my birds, the grapeseed oil with tea tree oil added made a great improvement in their legs however I do not feel they are improved enough even with repeated applications and warm soaks in epsom salts. PLEASE SOMEONE TELL ME WHERE TO BUY NU STOCK. I want to try it before I give up and go a more conventional way.
My understanding of it is that it kills the mites and aids in healing. The scales that were raised will slough off and new ones will be revealed. I've read that people are using it for scabies. It says on the tube it can be used on ear mites for dogs and it says it is safe for cats. I did first application on my chickens today. it does not say anything about safety of use for chickens so please research before deciding to use it on your birds. After researching the ingredients and reading testimonials of others who have used it on their birds then I felt secure enough that it would do good not harm. I will add that it is messy stuff. I will update how my chickies are doing.
OH BOY, yes that is scaley leg mites DELUX! Vaseline those legs real good for a day or two and then scrape, scrape scrape.....My procedure really really does work, its just time consuming and can be gross for the faint of heart.

The vaseline worked like a miracle, most of the crusts disappeared overnight! We could actually see the dark color that her silkie feet are supposed to be! So we have been doing that for a couple of weeks, but there are some clumps left, and it looks like the mites have cut off circulation to the joints in several places. Will be cutting her nails tomorrow to test which ones are "alive" but right now the last segment of one toe has fallen off and some look like they are held together only by the crusts :(


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