Scaly Leg Mites?


In the Brooder
Feb 10, 2017
Hello all,
I am still new to the chicken world. Where I am we have been experiencing a lot of rain so my girls are COVERED in mud..
tonight while locking up the coop I noticed something odd about a few birds feet? I tried to quickly rinse them off and snap a pic, I’m not sure if this is scaly leg mites which I am now paranoid about, or just from all the mud?
If it is mites, I was just looking for some tips on how to treat effectively.

Thanks everyone!!
Hmm the legs and scales look normal to me! If they have scaly leg mites their scales would be standing up and it would be irritating to the chicken. Sometimes their legs get swollen! To help with it you can put vaseline on their legs to smother and (hopefully) kill the mites. That should help if you ever have a problem with that!!
It looks like just the mud could have caked on their scales and made them look like they were raised a little!?!?
Thank you for your reply!!
That what I was thinking, but then I just got paranoid lol
I’m going to soak their legs tomorrow and see how they look, then I will go from there! But nothing else has changed, just a few molting, but no one seems irritated. Again thank you!!
Thank you for your reply!!
That what I was thinking, but then I just got paranoid lol
I’m going to soak their legs tomorrow and see how they look, then I will go from there! But nothing else has changed, just a few molting, but no one seems irritated. Again thank you!!
It probably is mud caked underneath, but it won't hurt them to give them a soak:)
When your done cleaning them up, you can also slather on some type of oil - A+D ointment, castor or coconut oil, vaseline or use something like Nu Stock.
Here is a picture of a Rooster I picked up from the feed store. He has scaly leg mites for sure. Yours dont look like this but it doesn't hurt to take preventive measures to be safe. I don't know how long it takes for it to get this way. The rooster seems to be under a year old to me. If you feel the need to be safe I've used olive oil on a rooster in the past and it worked pretty well. A thicker substance may be preferable though. Vaseline seems to be the go to method.
WR, tell me about Nu Stock for scaly leg mites? I think Lucky has them (leg mites). I’ve dipped her feet in canola oil a couple times, but would prefer something thicker. Is Nu Stock totally safe?
As far as I know Nu Stock is safe to use. I've used it on a couple of girls that had dry scales and it worked great.
I just noticed my 19 week old polish pullet has scaly leg mites. She's the only one out of 25 birds I can see the signs on. Looks almost like calcium deposits. I soaked, gently brushed a bit with an old soft toothbrush (because I site I was reading recommended a gentle exfoliation) and then rubbed gently with casteroil and then patted the excess off and slathered with petroleum jelly. I am hoping that helps. I was reading also that they say to dip the legs in gasoline, air dry and then use a lanolin based diaper rash ointment on the eggs. repeat 3 days in a row and that's it. Aside from the cost of gas these days, does that actually sound safe?

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