Scammed by local breeder...advice please!

take her to small claims court.
It might cost you about $90.oo
but if you win, she will have to pay the court cost..
to me it would be worth the $90 to get her to court, win or lose..
go for everything. court cost, travel expenses for extra trips, full refund.
sell her chicks back to her plus your upkeep of them.. feed, labor. they probably aren't show quality anyway..
I can't believe anybody is as patient as you seem to be.
sting her in the wallet. maybe she will stop her scam.
see if you can find others who have had problems with her . get together and go after her.
my bro would say, "I can get you a hit man for $50.oo" . (don't do that).
If she's this lazy and shady I'd be worried about the so called show worthy line she's selling. I'd text I'd call I'd get on her and her close family's nerves and use any number I could to do so, if that didn't work I'd post CL adds and adds anywhere about something besides chickens with her information. Also make it known she's not worth dealing with on every chicken related forum or FB page she's on.

Make her earn that $70 at least. Or just move on as I said I'd be worried about the quality of said birds anyway.
I had a purebred Anatolian female. the mildest dog ever. she was about 17 when she died.
the mother and puppy in my avatar are purebred Maremma.. She died around last Thanksgiving at 8 years old.
we had to put her down because of her illness.

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